Another observation I noted Christians were waving banners and saying " Sodomy is Sin". My question is:-
What has gay marriage and love got to do with sodomy?
In my opinion it's a seperate issue, and not relevant to the debate.
The Rebel
scotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
Another observation I noted Christians were waving banners and saying " Sodomy is Sin". My question is:-
What has gay marriage and love got to do with sodomy?
In my opinion it's a seperate issue, and not relevant to the debate.
The Rebel
as you may or may not know (or care), i live in the uk.
a jw spy of mine told me that an elder had metioned that attendance at the kingdom hells had seemed to have dropped off after the australian royal comission expose of paedophilia within the watchtower organisation.. the elders were said to have had this as an item or the subject of a local elder's meeting.. i was surprised they'd even heard of the arc over here but at the same time was delighted.
delighted that meeting attendance had dropped possibly....and i say a result of the arc.. even an older dyed in the wool jw i know is getting sick of the gb worship within the organisation and had heard of the arc.. has anyone heard similar?.
The ARC sounds like ARK and if the bible is true how did kangaroos get to Australia.
I think the "ARC" will have no greater impact on meeting attendance in the U.K than the biblical " ARK" and Kangaroos has.
Besides we have had English T.V documentaries on paedophiles in the J.W congregations.
What impact did that have on attendance?
The Rebel.
scotus: kentucky clerk must issue same-sex marriage licenses.
by ariane de vogue, cnn supreme court reporter.
updated 8:02 pm et, mon august 31, 2015. let's hope this is the final screech from the haters who wrap themselves in the bible - or their egoist political philosophy i doubt it will be, but let's hope..
Hope my contribution is on topic?
in my opinion there is no " traditional marriage" it changes with the views of society. Yet for many religious people the religiouse view hasn't.
So what is their religious view:-
a) unfaithful is forgivable.
b) get married and divorced 5 or 6 times is ok.
Yey argue against Gay marriage.
hmmmmmm seems a little hypocritical to me.
The Rebel.
" only the good die young".
or at least they remain eternally young and heroic particularly if they died for you.
the trouble is we can outgrow our hero worship and our opinions of that person can change.. this is what has happened to me with my childhood friend and my hero jesus.
Maybe this thread has " NAILED" why the story of Jesus has survived over 20000 years?
What I find interesting though is that a man " NAILED" to a cross 2,0000 years ago, has made so many billions for organisations, and millions for individuals. ( Ironic for a man who never even owned his own home)
The Rebel
in egland we give " deserving" & " high flyers" titles.. this morning i was thinking i should have named my son president.
i am sure it would have given him a great advantage in latter life.. so my questions:-.
do you think when a publisher becomes a " ministerial servant" or an "elder":-.
So according to the latest, sisters should only consider " love" or rather " marriage" , with a brother who is a " M.S" or Elder.
Wow become a " M.S" and suddenly all the single sisters will fancy me. ( On a seriouse note that is a pretty good incentive)
The Rebel.
it is a warm sunny day, blue skies and i am excited by the prospect this sunday holds.
will i dismantle a motorbike?
paint a picture?
Well it's that time of the week once again. I am eating chicken wings and drinking a beer whilst listening to the rain fall outside. The more zelose brothers and sisters will just be finishing the door to door and on the way to the public talk......
The Rebel.
an unwelcome dawn comes creeping upward, her tendrils straddling the dark mountain so terribly near my once sweet but now quaking refuge called home of the heart.. i peer through panes that give onto a landscape of horror that, to some, appears pristine but to me is a reminder that he has been swallowed up by a wood both black and cruel.. daring to venture forth, i hear his voice .
.. he calls out, so faintly, begging i rescue him from a jail that holds him fast against all escape; though myself a liberated man, i cannot free the one i taught the truth.
Thanks Compound, tell me have you ever tried " free writing" which is just writing with out giving any thought ?
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
May 6th 2015. watchtower T,V
Governing Body member Stephen Lett. " we,re losing money and need your support. and we are confident with this knowledge your appreciative hearts will move you to support the work at hand....."
The Rebel.
i made a post of this, but feel it warrants a thread.
in central london ( paddington) the " property management company" we refer to as jehovers witnesses, bought a church building, which is now a kingdom hall, but with the outside appearance of a church.. i got an explanation from bethel " it's just a building".
well let's give the organisation credit for its business sence.
Millie210 " When did the above property become J.W property?
I haven't looked on the Land registry, but definatly during the latter time frame in which " the generation that saw 1914" was not going to pass away. ( I believe 30/ 40 years ago)
But the point is it was purchased for PROPERTY investment, whilst the 3rd world congregations go with out a K.H.
The Rebel.
in egland we give " deserving" & " high flyers" titles.. this morning i was thinking i should have named my son president.
i am sure it would have given him a great advantage in latter life.. so my questions:-.
do you think when a publisher becomes a " ministerial servant" or an "elder":-.
Hoser that is true. that is why I started my O.P " in England we give "deserving" and " High flyers" titles.
Tony Blair, Ambassador for peace.
Sir Jimmy Seville ( disgusting pervert)
The list of people not deserving titles is endless and it includes sportsmen and prime ministers, even kings and queens.
But the point is I am talking about life in the K.H. A PLACE where we are taught titles mean nothing.
The Rebel.